Past Exhibition

Naoya Inose Vacation on the Blue

July 3, 2021 - August 27, 2021

THE CLUB is pleased to present Naoya Inose's solo exhibition, "Vacation on the Blue".

"This exhibition mainly introduces works that include the image of a pool (water). I have painted the motif with various metaphors in mind, sometimes as a symbol for Japan, and at other times, indicating life and death, silence, and the like. Water is the beginning of everything. It accounts for 80% of our body. And 71% of the surface of the earth.

This indispensable element for us living creatures is the theme of my painting, installations, and other works.

Through this exhibition, I want to offer the visitors an opportunity to deal with their reluctance to go on vacation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and satisfy their wish through an imaginary experience instead. A Vacation with family, friends, and significant others. Not only do humans need such a thing, but the earth may also need a break. Vacations are essential. They help us, and the earth alike, to get started anew and recover.

Facing this situation, I decided to make an installation work that emulates a swimming pool as I have painted the motif for so long. It offers an imaginary vacation.
Visitors cannot jump into the pool and play in the water before their eyes. Still, I think the blue color field can stir the sensation of precious everyday experiences.

The new “Pocket Vacation” is a series of painted pools hung on the wall. I wish the exhibition can offer a vacation to both humans and the earth, in the best way I could imagine to do so.

Throughout my practice, I have tried to paint the harmony between the environment and human beings as the basic essence of my work. I want to continue to develop this theme and, if possible, create new forms of harmonious coexistence."-Naoya Inose

※Under current COVID-19 circumstances, the government is considering to enter another phase of state of emergency from April 25th to May 11th, 2021. The state of emergency issued this time will most likely request all department stores to temporarily close. If this regulation is finalized and enforced, THE CLUB will also enter a period of temporary closure.
For those who have already made appointments online for Hiroka Yamashita's show "Cosmos Remembered" between April 25th and May 11th, we are extremely sorry to inform you that your appointment will be cancelled. We sincerely apologize for the incovenience caused.

However, the gallery will be open to the public for the entire day tomorrow (Saturday, April 24th). Hiroka Yamashita's show will be on view, without any appointments required.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

Naoya Inose (b. 1988)
Inose was born in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan. He graduated in 2012 from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where he specialized in Oil Painting, and received his MA (Fine Arts) at UAL Chelsea College of Art And Design in 2017. Inose was a participant of 20th DOMANI, and he has exhibited his works in museums such as The National Art Center Tokyo and Takamatsu City Museum of Art. His works are included in the Takahashi Collection and in the Benetton Foundation.

An amusement park


Acrylic and oil on canvas

100.5 x 65.4 cm

Lift me up


Acrylic and oil on panel

29.7 x 42 cm

Lift me up flat ver


Acrylic and oil on panel

29.7 x 42 cm

The blue escape beyond


Acrylic and oil on canvas

27.3 x 22 cm

The Blue escape


Acrylic and oil on canvas

27.3 x 16 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Phthalo Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Cerulean Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Cobalt Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Compose Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Phthalocyanine Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Pocket vacation box. 2021 Ultramarine Blue


Mixed media

28 x 20 cm

Romantic holiday


Acrylic and oil on canvas

27.7 x 22 cm

Should I fly?


Acrylic and oil on panel

29.7 x 42 cm

Plate 1 blue and white X Homage for Richard Diebenkorn


Acrylic and oil on canvas

66 x 91.5 cm



Oil, acrylic on panel

29.7 x 42 cm

Silent evolving


Acrylic and oil on panel

42 x 30 cm



Acrylic and oil on panel

21.3 x 29.8 cm

Vacation on the Blue


Acrylic and oil on canvas

116.7 x 91 cm