Nicholas Hatfull, Seven Seconds, 2019, 200 x 150 cm

Photo by Benjamin Westoby
Photo by Kei Okano
Photo by Kei Okano
Photo by Kei Okano
Photo by Kei Okano
Photo by Kei Okano

Past Exhibition

Nicholas Hatfull Thermals of the Heart

June 29, 2019 - August 24 2019

THE CLUB is pleased to present “Thermals of the Heart”, Nicholas Hatfull’s first solo exhibition in Asia.

Born in Tokyo, Hatfull lives and works in London. His work has been included in group exhibitions at Saatchi Gallery, MACRO (The Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome), and the Fondazione Giorgio e Isa De Chirico.

Ice creams, motorway and hanged clothes on a clothesline. These nostalgic yet gauzy and vivid images of daily objects and ordinary landscapes are captured by Hatfull’s unique technique, which uses iPad sketches and spray paint, allowing the images to flow in the canvas with smooth touch and distinctive transparency. They are as if fragments of memories that keep recurring in one’s mind, some parts becoming more emphasised and some parts melting into the atmosphere as time passes.

Hatfull’s vision is also deeply influenced by the imagery of Yasujirō Ozu films which delicately reflects our everyday life. Overlaid with Hatfull’s own slippage, his painting turns mundane sceneries into something surreal and intimate.

“Wind tousling grass, wind animating laundry; recurring vignettes in Ozu Yasujiro’s transitional sequences. … And it is his colour films particularly that have strewn images in my memory; futon covers, shirts and towels.”

In this exhibition, THE CLUB will introduce 14 of his most recent paintings. Please visit us and enjoy a selection of Nicholas Hatfull's new works.


Nicholas Hatfull(1984-) Born in Tokyo in 1984. He graduated from the Royal Academy Schools in 2011 and now lives and works in London. He was the Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture at the British School at Rome in 2011–12. His work has been included in group exhibitions with Hayward Touring, at Saatchi Gallery, MACRO, Rome and the Fondazione Giorgio e Isa De Chirico, and reviewed in Frieze, Mousse and the Financial Times Life & Arts, amongst others. He presented The True Italian Pop Art for the 2018 Felicity Powell Lecture at the British School at Rome, connecting reflections on artefacts ancient and recent with novelistic vignettes from his time in Italy. His writing has recently appeared in Mousse and Frieze. His works have been in museum collections such as Saatchi Gallery in London.

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